N+1 Student Page Hero image: students engaged in research. Dark blue backgroujnd and red circles in background


N+1 provides students with unique opportunities to learn about, and create the future of, disruptive new technologies. Students can gain real-world experience and insight into how technology can solve industry problems and bring about the next big wave of innovation. Students gain exposure to the following technologies and how they enable industry solutions:

  1. Artificial Intelligence
  2. Web3
  3. Edge Computing

Each of these focus areas provides exposure to the most advanced representations of the technologies, as well as the systems-level considerations needed to successfully adopt in modern environments such as: Distributed/Hybrid Data Management and Storage, Identity and Security, and System Interactions.   

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Our students benefit from:

  • Capstone projects: By enrolling in a for-credit capstone project course, students  engage in applied learning projects on real problems in real work environments. Our industry partners submit ideas for 12-week projects. These projects are completed by small cross-functional teams of Computer Science Undergrads and Grad students, along with students in UI/UX and students from the business school. The projects are guided by a “scrum master.” Students learn agile software methodologies and become certified in scrum.
  • Micro-internships: We work with our partner companies to create paid micro-internships for students. These 20-80 hour micro-internships simultaneously allow students to gain valuable work experience across a variety of topics, while also providing access to a diverse pool of companies and industries.
  • Hosted Engagements: Our industry partners host our students for a day to share real-world project experiences with them. These brief experiences can have powerful effects in driving corporate engagement while improving students’ knowledge and marketability upon graduation.
  • Diversity & Inclusion Scholarships: To promote diversity in the tech world and ensure equitable access to these educational learning opportunities, our sponsors provide funding to enable diversity and inclusion scholarships for historically underrepresented students.
Light grey background with red round elements of people in lab and class and equipment. Also blue and grey design elements


Our unique blend of students, faculty, industry pioneers, and early adopters fuels a new approach to innovation. Research leads to groundbreaking tech advancements, education builds the skills needed to lead us forward, and industry collaboration bridges the gap between raw technology and use-inspired application. N+1 at UW-Madison is building a better future.